The click through rate for banner and display ads is pretty terrible at less than one percent. Display and banner ads are largely ignored and are often blocked. In fact, 54% of people don’t click on banner ads because they don’t trust them and 33% of internet users find them intolerable.
Sponsored Blog Posts for Cannabis and CBD perform significantly better than banner ads or display ads
Native advertising in the form of sponsored blog posts or advertorials generate substantially greater response and conversions when done correctly and on highly relevant websites. Plus, on websites such as, the traffic is highly targeted. Put simply, this type of advertising is one of the very best ways to connect your brand’s cannabis related products with your precise target audience.
Over the past few years, sponsored content was a $6 billion market and is expected to hit over $20 billion in 2021. That’s because it works! This is the best form of marketing to build your brand and sell your products. And, this type of promotion can help increase your ranking on Google, Bing and the other search engines. Branded content works because it eliminates the resistance people have against old-style display and banner advertising.
1) High rankings for numerous relevant brand names and keywords
2) Excellent traffic
3) Quality site with good DA
4) Fast indexing of new pages
1) Client provides the content.
2) Content must be original (not duplicated content) and must pass Copyscape with no more than 25% duplicated content.
3) Unsubstantiated medical claims are prohibited
4) All content is subject to review and editing
5) Any photos or videos must not violate any copyright
6) Maximum length is 1200 words
7) Spamming the post with black hat links is prohibited and will result in the sponsored post being deleted.
Sponsored Blog Posts or Advertorials are published in accordance with search engine best practices to avoid penalties. We want the site to remain penalty free so your page will retain value so we observe best practices.
Also, in accordance with FTC Regulations, at the end of the post there will be this disclaimer: “Sponsored Post – This blog post/advertorial was sponsored by (Name Brand Here).”
The post(s)/advertorial will remain live on as long as the site exists unless there is a violation of the terms and guidelines. Example: No spamming of the blog post is permitted.
$395 per sponsored blog post
$1,295 per advertorial
How To Order
1) Send us your content in advance for pre-approval and we will forward payment instructions
2) Send via email to chazsanderson (at)
Please write “MARIJUANA WERX Article” in the subject line of your email
Banner Advertising Rates
Quarterly Rate (paid in advance) Annual Rate (paid in advance)
$250 monthly x 3 months = $750.
$200 monthly x 12 months = $2,400.
Ad Size
300 x 250